'Where's Abe?' critics ask, as coronavirus spreads in Japan
TOKYO (Reuters) - As Japan struggles to stem the spread of a coronavirus within its borders, critics are asking, “Where’s Abe?”
Shinzo Abe, 65, Japan’s longest serving prime minister, has failed to take the helm as the public face of the response to the virus, critics say, leaving the task largely to his health minister.
Now doubts about Abe’s leadership threaten to erode already sagging public support, with a newspaper survey at the weekend showing disapproval for his administration outweighing approval for the first time since July 2018.
That, in turn, could upset rosy scenarios where Abe presides over a successful Tokyo Olympics set to start in July, leads his party to an election victory and perhaps even wins a rare fourth term at the Sept. 2021 end of his tenure as ruling party leader.
“Where is the leadership?” asked Gerry Curtis, an expert in Japanese politics.
“Even now, he’s not out there, not talking to the public and mobilising people,” added Curtis, an emeritus professor at Columbia University. “I think this will hurt him the longer it goes on.”
Abe has weathered several rough spots since he returned to office in December 2012.
But his support, already dented by recent scandals, including a row over too many supporters invited to a pricey party to view cherry blossoms, fell 8.4 points to 36.2% in the conservative Sankei newspaper’s survey published at the weekend.
His non-approval rate rose 7.8 points to 46.7%.
Voters were split over the government’s response to the virus, with 85 percent saying they worried about the disease.
“Although the people’s anxiety is growing daily, he (Abe) hasn’t held a proper news conference,” said a Twitter user with the handle @yumidesu.
“In other words, if he appears more often, only a bad image will remain, so, to avoid that, he is appearing in public as little as possible.”
「今でも、彼は世間に出ていないし、一般の人々と話したり動員したりしていません」とコロンビア大学の名誉教授であるカーティスは付け加えました。 「これが続くと、彼が傷つくと思う」
— dia feliz (@diafeliz_latin) February 25, 2020
確かに、窮地に陥ると表には出てこない。https://t.co/peUn4UDcyA— 武田砂鉄 (@takedasatetsu) February 25, 2020
'Where's Abe?' critics ask, as coronavirus spreads in Japan | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://t.co/UVqm5Wnvfd
— 中野晃一 Koichi Nakano (@knakano1970) February 25, 2020
ゲリー・カーティス:コロンビア大学名誉教授、中野晃一@knakano1970 上智大学教授のアベ政権の危機管理批判とともに「まずい時はいっつも逃走」「感染者数を改竄?」などツイッタ上の声もhttps://t.co/6qDbzu4izU
— polarbear (@polarbear_2017) February 25, 2020
'Where's Abe?'
— 盛田隆二Morita Ryuji (@product1954) February 25, 2020
【'Where's Abe?' critics ask, as coronavirus spreads in Japan | Article [AMP]】Reuters https://t.co/A4KYzrtDK6— 松尾 貴史 (@Kitsch_Matsuo) February 25, 2020
首相動静(2月25日):時事ドットコム https://t.co/xXGnY9Ls19 @jijicomさんから pic.twitter.com/sn5CqaL1lf
— サキオタ (@sakiota48) February 25, 2020
【速報】安倍首相、25日に総理大臣公邸にTwitterなどSNS上で世論誘導を図るランサーズ秋好陽介社長と会食 首相動静 https://t.co/WIapKTOXx8 pic.twitter.com/9TIwjQvyco
— 箱コネマン (@HAKOCONNEMAN) February 25, 2020
— きっこ (@kikko_no_blog) February 25, 2020
安倍さん見かけないと思ったら、この1週間は国会無視して、会食するかフラフラしてるだけだった。 https://t.co/7kyiEcFtUv
— Dr.ナイフ (@knife9000) February 22, 2020
国難を前にすると姿を消す安倍総理。海外報道によりリーダーとしての世界的評価は地に落ちるだろう。日本メディアが書けない事でも、海外ジャーナリズムを止められない。日本がコロナ検査を避けて実数を減らしている事実もやがて知れ渡る。国として信頼を失ったその時点でオリンピックも終わりだ。 https://t.co/Re0VKgwpsz
— 清水 潔 (@NOSUKE0607) February 25, 2020
危機には隠れる首相、国民の安全や健康には何の興味もなく、自分の支持率だけしか関心のない、いつもの行動パターン。@AbeShinzo https://t.co/ux2B8FFYbV
— 飯田哲也(いいだてつなり) (@iidatetsunari) February 25, 2020